Is 2,000 dollars per month good for travel budget in Korea?

Korea's representative palace Gyeonghoeru PavilionIs 2,000 dollars per month good for travel budget in Korea?

Is 2,000 dollars per month good for travel budget in Korea?

When you think of living in Korea, one of the first questions that comes to mind is whether $2,000 a month is a good salary. Korea Go Travel explores the topic and offers insight into the cost of living in Korea.

The cost of living in Korea.

The cost of living in Korea varies depending on the city and lifestyle choices. In general, Korea is known to have a relatively higher cost of living compared to many other countries in Asia. When evaluating the economic feasibility of living on a $2,000 monthly rent, factors to consider include rent, transportation, food, and entertainment.

Rent and housing.

Renting in Korea can be quite expensive, especially in major cities such as Seoul and Busan. A one-bedroom apartment can cost around $900 to $1,500 a month in the city center, while it can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,000 outside the city center. However, it should be noted that sharing an apartment or choosing a smaller studio can significantly reduce rental costs.


Korea has a well-developed transportation system, including an efficient subway network and extensive bus routes. Public transportation costs are relatively low, and one subway ride costs about $1 (W170). However, if you have to take a long commute or prefer a taxi, the transportation costs may add up. Owning a car in Korea can be expensive because of its high gas prices and parking fees.

A grocery store.

Korean food is varied and delicious, and offers a wide range of options, from food stalls to fine restaurants. Eating out at a local restaurant is cheap, and basic meals cost about $5 to $10 per person. However, if you prefer to eat out at Western or international restaurants, the prices can be higher. Cooking at home and buying groceries at the local market can help save money on food costs.

Entertainment and Leisure.

Korea is known for its vibrant entertainment industry, which offers a variety of leisure activities, such as concerts, movies, and amusement parks. These activities can be especially expensive if you’re hooked on them often. However, there are also plenty of affordable or even free options for entertainment, such as parks, hiking trails, and cultural attractions you visit.

Healthcare and other expenses.

South Korea has excellent healthcare infrastructure and services that its residents can generally afford. However, it is recommended to have health insurance to cover unexpected healthcare costs. Other costs to consider include internet and phone bills, which can be quite reasonable in South Korea.


In conclusion, 2,000 dollars per month can provide a comfortable life in Korea considering the cost of living and lifestyle choices.