How much money do Koreans give for wedding gifts? Design of the site title.How much money do Koreans give for wedding gifts?

How much money do Koreans give for wedding gifts?

Korean weddings are known for their grandeur and traditional customs. One of the most important practices is the act of giving money as a gift. Known as “honban,” this monetary gift is given to the couple to help their guests start their marriage. In this article, we will explore the practice of giving money at Korean weddings and examine the average amount Koreans typically give for wedding celebrations. So, let’s learn more and learn more now! 

The Importance of Giving Money at Korean Weddings.

In Korean culture, the act of giving money as a wedding gift is deeply rooted in tradition. It is seen as a way for guests to show their support and blessings to share a new life. In addition, the amount of money that is given reflects the couple’s relationship with their social status. Money gifts are also seen as practical actions to help newlyweds cover their own expenses for starting their own families.

The average amount of money received at Korean weddings.

The amount of money given to Korean weddings can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the couple’s relationship with the guest, the location of the wedding, and the guest’s financial status. On average, close family members and friends tend to give more, ranging from W50,000 to W100,000 (about W45 to W90). Colleagues and acquaintances usually give between W30,000 and W50,000 (about W27 to W45). However, it should be noted that these are only rough estimates and may vary depending on one’s choice and situation.
Factors affecting a given amount

The amount of money given as a wedding gift in Korea can be influenced by several factors.

First, wedding venues play a role because weddings in high-end venues can give more money than weddings in more modest venues. Second, the age and income level of guests also play a role. Those who are younger or have a lower income level can give relatively small amounts compared to older and more financially stable guests. Finally, the degree of relationship between a guest and a couple can affect the amount of gifts, resulting in more intimate relationships often being a bigger financial gift.

An alternative wedding gift.

While giving money is the most common custom, Korean guests also have the option to give alternative gifts. These may include home appliances, home appliances, or even gift certificates. However, it is important to note that these alternative gifts often come with financial gifts.