How much is the ATM fee in Korea?

an ATM in front of a convenience storeHow much is the ATM fee in Korea?

How much is the ATM fee in Korea?

If you are planning to travel to Korea, it is essential to know about the ATM fees in the country. Accessing cash is an important aspect of any trip, and understanding the fees involved can help you plan your finances better. In this article, we will explore the question “How much is the ATM fee in Korea?” and provide the necessary information for a smooth banking experience during your visit.

Understanding ATM Fees in Korea.

There are some factors to consider when using ATMs in Korea. First, most ATMs across the country are bilingual, offering options in both English and Korean. Second, ATMs are widely used and can be found at various places, such as airports, convenience stores, and shopping centers. However, you should be aware of the fees associated with using these ATMs.

Local bank ATM.

Local banks in Korea usually charge a fee, especially for using ATMs for international transactions. The exact fee may vary depending on the bank and the type of account it holds. Popular banks, such as KEB Hana Bank, Shinhan Bank, and Woori Bank, charge around W3,000 to W4,000 per transaction. To understand the additional fees that can be charged for international ATM withdrawals, it is recommended to check with your home country bank.

Foreign bank ATM.

Using ATMs from foreign banks is another way to withdraw cash in Korea. Global banks, such as Citibank and HSBC, have branches in major cities such as Seoul, where you can use ATMs. These banks often have international alliances, which offer more favorable interest rates and lower fees compared to domestic banks. For example, Citibank charges a fixed fee of W4,500 for international withdrawals. However, it is essential to make sure that your domestic bank has alliances or agreements with global banks to further minimize the fees.

ATMs at airports.

If you prefer to have Korean money with you when you arrive at the airport, using ATMs at airports can be convenient. However, airport ATMs often charge higher fees than other places. Fees may vary depending on the ATM operator, but can be as high as W5,000 per transaction. If possible, it is recommended to withdraw enough cash before arriving at the airport to avoid these excessive fees.

A prepaid travel card.

Another alternative that you might consider using a prepaid travel card is to use one. These cards allow you to load a certain amount in won before traveling. You can then use these cards to withdraw cash from ATMs or to buy from merchants. Prepaid travel cards may have their own fees, but they can offer more control over your spending and potentially offer lower ATM fees.


Understanding ATM fees in South Korea is essential for travelers who want smooth financial transactions during their visit.