Do Korean women change to their husbands’ surnames when they get married? Design of the site title.Do Korean women change to their husbands’ surnames when they get married?

Do Korean women change to their husbands’ surnames when they get married?

The tradition of taking a husband’s last name in Korea is not that common in many Western countries. Instead, Korean wives usually keep their maiden names for life. There may be cases where a wife chooses her husband’s last name, but it is generally not expected or required.

Cultural significance and reasoning.

Korean wives’ decision to maintain their maiden names stems from deep-rooted cultural values and the importance of Korean social pedigree. Known as “names,” gender is considered an integral part of one’s identity and heritage. By maintaining their maiden names, women can maintain their identity after marriage.

Legal meaning.

The Korean legal system also supports the tradition of Korean wives maintaining their last names. Marriage in Korea is regulated by civil law, which does not mandate that women change their last names when getting married. Therefore, there is no legal requirement for a woman to have a husband’s last name. Instead, each spouse retains his or her last name, and the child generally inherits his or her father’s last name.

A change of attitude.

While the majority of Korean wives retain their maiden names, couples are increasingly inclined to choose a unified gender or create new ones. These choices allow couples to form new family members while maintaining their personal identities. This change reflects a change in attitudes toward gender roles and a desire for a more equal partnership between husband and wife.

Last thought.

The decision of Korean wives to maintain their purity is deeply rooted in cultural traditions and values. Although there may be cases where wives choose their husbands’ surnames, they are not common in Korea. The importance of preserving family ancestry and personal identity contributes to a unique aspect of Korean marriage practices.