Why do Koreans make a lot of kimchi before winter and keep it in the kimchi refrigerator?

Korean food, kimchi.Why do Koreans make a lot of kimchi before winter and keep it in the kimchi refrigerator?

Why do Koreans make a lot of kimchi before winter and keep it in the kimchi refrigerator?

Kimchi is a staple of Korean cuisine, and no Korean meal could be completed without it. This traditional fermented vegetable dish has been a part of Korean culture for centuries and holds great significance in Korean families. In Korea, making kimchi is not just a culinary tradition; it is a cultural event where families and communities come together.

The importance of kimchi in Korean culture.

Kimchi is considered a national treasure in Korea for more than just side dishes. It is called “Kimchi Legend,” which often translates as “Kimchi is a precious asset.” It shows Koreans’ deep-rooted attachment to traditional food. Kimchi is not only delicious and versatile, but it also has several health benefits. It is full of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics, which help digestion and boost the immune system.

Preparation for Korea’s Severe Winter.

The winter in Korea is known for its extremely cold temperatures, which make it difficult for fresh vegetables to grow. Historically, Koreans needed to find ways to preserve vegetables to ensure a steady supply of food during the winter. Fermenting vegetables, especially cabbage, has proven to be an effective way to preserve them. By preserving vegetables through fermentation, Koreans were able to maintain a nutritious food supply even in harsh winters.

The process of making kimchi.

Making kimchi is a labor-intensive process that involves salted, fermented, and seasoned. The most common vegetable used to make kimchi is cabbage, but there are countless varieties of kimchi that use different vegetables. The process usually begins with extracting moisture and sprinkling salt on the vegetables to kill harmful bacteria. The vegetables are then rinsed, seasoned with a mixture of spices, including red pepper powder, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce, and left to ferment for a period of time.

Kimchi making: community tradition.

Kimchi making is an annual event where you make a lot of kimchi before winter comes. It is a joint activity where families, neighbors, and whole villages come together to make kimchi. This tradition not only ensures a sufficient supply of kimchi for winter, but also strengthens the bond of the community. It is a time to exchange recipes, share stories, and pass on traditional styles from one generation to another.

The Role of Kimchi in the fraternity.

Besides its role in winter preservation, kimchi also plays an important role in social gatherings and celebrations throughout the year. It is often served on holidays, weddings, and other special events. Sharing kimchi is a symbol of hospitality and friendship in Korean culture. With its vivid and unique taste, kimchi adds a rich flavor to any meal and enhances the overall dining experinece.