Is it convenient to use cash or card in Seoul?

Tteokbokki place in front of Girls' High SchoolIs it convenient to use cash or card in Seoul?

Is it convenient to use cash or card in Seoul?

In today’s digital age, it is becoming more and more common to rely on card payments for everyday expenses. However, it is important to consider whether cash or card is better when visiting a new country. In the vibrant Korean city of Seoul, this question is especially relevant. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of cash and card payments in Seoul, providing the information needed to make informed decisions while traveling.

Seoul Metropolitan Government Cash Payment.

Advantages: Cash is widely used in most facilities, from small local stores to larger shopping centers, restaurants and markets.
Using cash can be a practical option for individuals who prefer to control their spending better and set specific budgets for travel.
Some facilities may offer discounts or preferential rates for cash payments.

Disadvantages: Carrying around a significant amount of cash can be cumbersome and pose a safety risk. It is important to be careful and keep your cash safe while traveling in Seoul.
Foreign visitors may have difficulty withdrawing cash from ATMs due to language barriers or differences in card systems.
As there is a risk of counterfeit money, we recommend that you handle cash from reputable businesses or use small bills as much as possible.

Seoul Metropolitan Government Card Payment.

Advantages: Card payments provide convenience and ease of use, allowing you to carry fewer physical currencies and reduce the risk of loss or theft.
Major credit and debit cards like Visa and Mastercard are widely used in Seoul, including most stores, hotels, and restaurants.
Cards make it easier to track costs because transactions are recorded and easily accessible through online banking or mobile apps.

Disadvantages: Card payments may not be possible in some small local facilities or markets, so it’s always a good idea to keep cash.
It is important to compare rates and fees in advance, as foreign transaction fees and unfavorable exchange rates may be applied when using the card.
Depending on your bank or card provider, foreign transactions can cause security alerts, temporarily suspending your card, causing inconvenience during your trip.


When considering whether to use cash or cards in Seoul, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of the two methods. Cash offers flexibility, wider acceptance, and potential discounts, but it also carries the risk of loss or theft. Card payments, on the other hand, offer convenience, easier cost tracking, and security, but there may be additional fees and limited capacity at certain facilities.

Ultimately, when you visit Seoul, it’s good to use cash and cards together.