How much can I withdraw per day from ATMs on Korean streets?

ATM.How much can I withdraw per day from ATMs on Korean streets?

How much can I withdraw per day from ATMs on Korean streets?

Are you going to visit Korea and wondering how much money you can withdraw from ATMs per day? In this article, we will find out about the withdrawal limit of ATMs in Korea for travel convenience.

A Study on the Setting of the Withdrawal Limit for ATMs.

The amount that you can withdraw from ATMs in Korea per day depends on the type of account you have and various factors, including the ATM network. These restrictions may vary depending on the bank and ATM network.

A local bank.

Most domestic banks in Korea have a withdrawal limit of W1,000,000 to W3,000 per day. This limit may change depending on the type of bank and account you have. Some banks also offer higher limits to premium account holders or allow customers to request a temporary increase on certain requirements.

An international bank.

International banks in Korea may have different withdrawal limits compared to domestic banks. Depending on the home bank, the daily withdrawal limit may be high or low. It is recommended to check with the home bank to inquire about the withdrawal limit of overseas ATMs in Korea.

ATM Network.

There are two main ATM networks in Korea: the National Credit Union (NCU) and the Casnet ATM network. NCU ATMs usually have a withdrawal limit of W1,000,000 to W3,000 per day, while Casnet ATMs have a lower limit of W1,000,000.

Tips for Maximizing ATM Withdrawal.

To secure enough cash during your trip to Korea, consider these tips:

1. Establishment of withdrawal plan

Make a withdrawal plan ahead of time to avoid unnecessary transaction fees instead of making multiple small withdrawals. Pull in more money to spend over the next few days while reducing the number of visits to ATMs.

2. Notify the bank

Please inform the bank of your travel plans before your trip to Korea. This will ensure smooth transactions during your trip without any problems with ATM withdrawal.

3. Carry multiple payment options

ATMs offer convenient access to cash, but it’s always a good idea to use different payment options. Carry a credit or debit card that you can use for purchases or emergencies if needed.


The amount that you can withdraw per day from ATMs in Korea depends on various factors such as accounts, banks, and ATM networks. It is important to know the limit of your daily withdrawal and make plans accordingly in order to have enough cash while traveling. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure a hassle-free experience with ATM withdrawals in Korea.