How much do you tip your tour guide during your trip to Seoul?

Korean restaurantsHow much do you tip your tour guide during your trip to Seoul?

How much do you tip your tour guide during your trip to Seoul?

How Much Do You Tip Guides In Seoul? [South Korea Go Travel] The custom of tipping can vary greatly depending on the country and culture you are in. Tipping in Korea is not as common as in some Western countries, but it is still appreciated in certain situations. When it comes to tipping guides in Seoul, there are several factors to consider. Whether you are taking guided tours through the bustling streets of Seoul or exploring historical palaces and temples, it is important to know how much you should tip guides to show appreciation for their services.

Korea’s Tip Culture.

In Korea, tips are generally not expected or required in most service industries, including restaurants and taxis. This is because workers in these industries do not rely on tips to earn regular wages and earn a living. However, tipping in certain situations, especially in exceptional services or more advanced facilities, is becoming more common. Importantly, tipping may be considered a Western practice and may not be fully understood by locals.

Tip Tour Guide, Seoul.

If you tip a guide in Seoul, the recommended amount may vary depending on the type and duration of the tour. It is usually common to tip around 10 percent of the total cost of the tour. This is a standard practice in many countries and can be a good starting point when deciding how much to tip a guide.

However, it is important to consider the quality of service provided by the guide. To ensure an exceptional experience, you may want to consider tipping more than 10% of the standard if the guide goes beyond one level. On the other hand, if you are not satisfied with the service, you do not need to leave a tip.

Other Considerations.

You don’t expect tips in Korea, but it’s still a good behavior to thank them for their good service. However, some travel agencies may already include service charges or tips in their total tour costs. In this case, you don’t have to leave additional tips unless you feel justified.

It’s also important to be mindful of cultural differences and customs. If you’re not sure if you’re going to tip or how much you’re going to give, it’s always a good idea to ask a tour guide or a local. They may be able to provide you with specific guidelines based on the customs of that particular area.


When tipping guides in Seoul, it is important to consider Korean cultural norms and customs. While you generally don’t expect tips, it’s a good behavior to show appreciation for the special service. As a general guideline, tipping around 10 percent of the total cost of a tour is a good starting point.