Is it more profitable to exchange money after coming to Korea?

a currency exchange shopIs it more profitable to exchange money after coming to Korea?

Is it more profitable to exchange money after coming to Korea?

Is it better to change money in Korea? [South Korea Go Travel] One of the important questions to consider when planning a trip to Korea is whether it is better to exchange money before arriving or wait until you are in Korea? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of the two options to help you make an informed decision.

Currency exchange before arrival.

Some travelers prefer to exchange currencies before arriving in Korea. Here are some reasons:

1. Convenience: You don’t have to search currency exchange facilities when you arrive because you can arrange your trip in advance if you exchange money at home.

2. Familiarity: If you exchange money before your trip, you can get your hands on the local currency from the moment you set foot in Korea, making it easier to navigate the early stages of your trip.

3. Security: If you carry your local currency from the start, you won’t have to rely solely on your credit card or find an ATM that uses an international card, so you can get stability.

However, there are some drawbacks to exchanging money before arrival:

1. Exchange Rate: The exchange rates offered in Korea may not be as favorable as the ones you can get in Korea. This means that you can get less money for your money.

2. Fee: Some banks and currency exchange services charge currency exchange fees, and these fees may add up, especially if you exchange a large amount.

Currency exchange is done in Korea.

On the other hand, some tourists prefer to exchange currencies in Korea. The reasons are as follows:

1. Better Exchange Rate: Korea’s local currency exchange services often offer more competitive exchange rates compared to local currencies. This means that you can get more value for your money.

2. Accessibility: Korea is well-equipped, so it is convenient to exchange money when you arrive. There are currency exchanges at airports, hotels, and major tourist attractions.

3. Low Fees: By exchanging money in Korea, you can avoid fees charged by banks or currency exchange services in your home country.

However, there are some considerations when exchanging money in Korea:

1. Language Barrier: Most currency exchange facilities in Korea have English-speaking staff, but communication can be difficult. A basic understanding of the currency exchange process and common phrases is always helpful.

2. Availability: The availability of certain currencies may vary depending on region and exchange rate. To secure reliability, it is recommended to exchange money at a reputable and famous facility.


In conclusion, it depends on your preference and convenience whether you will exchange money or arrive in Korea before your arrrival.