What is a good way to be friends with Koreans?

a large bookstore in KoreaWhat is a good way to be friends with Koreans?

What is a good way to be friends with Koreans?

Korea is a fascinating country with its rich cultural heritage and warm-hearted people. If you are planning a trip to Korea and want to make local friends, here are some tips to make friends with Koreans during your visit.

Learn some basic Korean phrases.

Before going to Korea, take some time to learn some basic Korean phrases. Koreans thank foreigners when they try to communicate in their language. Begin with greetings such as “Hello” (Hello) and “Kamsahamnida” (Thank you). They will be pleasantly surprised and will be more inclined to relate to you.

I participate in language exchange meetings.

Language exchange meetings are a great way to meet Koreans who are eager to practice their English skills while helping your Korean. Many major cities in Korea, such as Seoul and Busan, have language exchange meetings where you can meet locals in comfortable and friendly environments. Look for these events on social media platforms or language exchange websites.

Participation in cultural activities.

Immerse yourself in Korean culture by participating in local activities and events. Attend traditional festivals, visit local markets, try traditional crafts, or participate in K-pop dance classes. Participating in these activities will give you an opportunity to interact with Koreans who share similar interests, and the conversation will flow naturally.

Social media engagement.

Social media platforms are widely used in Korea and can be a good tool to connect with locals. They join online communities related to interests, travel around Korea, and actively participate in discussions. Through comments and messages, they share their experiences, ask for recommendations, and interact with locals.

A volunteer.

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience while also providing an opportunity to meet Koreans who are passionate about helping others. Look for local volunteers or community centers that can help. Whether you are teaching children English or participating in beach cleaning, volunteering allows them to connect with the locals at a deeper level.


Becoming friends with Koreans while traveling to Korea is a great way to learn more about their culture, establish lasting relationships, and improve their travel experience. By learning some basic Korean phrases, participating in language exchange meetings, participating in cultural activities, participating in social media, and volunteering, you will increase your chances to make meaningful friendships with locals. So, be open, be friendly, and embrace the opportunity to connect with Koreans.